. THIS BLOG IS NOW PART OF THE OFFICIAL WEBSITE FOR ART PROJECT DEATH ON A PAPER. VISIT www.artprojectdeathonapaper.com TODAY! It’s been a while since I’ve made one of these Life Update posts, and I thought what better timing to bring them back than the start of a new era. This article is simultaneously the first being published on the now-finalized homepage of the art project, and the very last post you will be able to view on the original Blogger blog. After this point, we are saying final goodbyes to the starting point, and smelling the fresh air of the new winds, as we Finns like to say from time to time. I started writing the Trauma Doesn’t Make You Stronger blog in October 2022. I had gotten out of the hospital two months earlier at the time, and I was trying to cope with the fact that I was diagnosed with a personality disorder I had no idea I had developed due to my childhood trauma. Not only was I facing the reality of living with severe mental illness, but I ha...