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The Beginning

 Hello, everyone. This is my first official post on this blog, the beginning of a journey that will hopefully go on a bit longer than just a few weeks. I actually have a pretty extensive history in blogging: I used to have a very active blog here about eight years ago, but then I made the biggest mistake you can make as a writer and deleted all of the posts without having a backup just in case. Although, in retrospect, that might have been a blessing in disguise as now I am starting anew, and I would've hated to have any gross remains of my weird lower secondary years following me around.

As a recap, here's some basic information about me: I'm from Finland, I was born on January 17th 2000, my pronouns are they/she, I am a raging homosexual, and I have borderline personality disorder. As of right now, I am choosing to remain anonymous and using my online nick "ichigonya" as an alias. That might change at some point, but only time will tell. 

This blog is for stories that have been inspired or are directly taken from my everyday life. I'm a creative writer, and I have a lot of dreams regarding my career as a writer, and I hope that this blog will help me achieve those dreams someday. I'm politically very active, and I have strong values that I love to discuss and debate on. Because of that, you will also see political commentary on this blog from time to time, especially regarding homophobia and misogyny because those are the forms of systemic discrimination I am personally familiar with. 

Everything on this blog is told from a Finnish perspective if not stated otherwise, as I am a Finnish resident. My reasoning for writing in English is simply using my other language (I am bilingual; my partner is American) but also hoping to achieve a bigger audience. Finland is evolving into a country with strong international relationships, and the usage of the English language is getting more and more frequent, so writing in English makes sense in that regard as well. But at the core of all of this is one thought: I hope to be able to give a voice to Finnish people who are struggling with the same issues as I am, and make the online discourse a bit less American-centric. We'll see if that thought bears fruit.

I think that's all I can say as an introduction. I am looking forward to writing about topics that are very close to my heart and trying to make a difference with my own creations. I have multiple different creative outlets that I utilize in my everyday life, and I am almost certain that you will see some of them here at some point. 

Until next time,

